
Sze-Mei Yeung presented at SFU on IP Ownership and Contractual Issues

Sze-Mei Yeung presented to a group of Simon Fraser University graduate students and post-doctoral fellows on September 11, 2014,...

Richards Buell Sutton LLP sponsors the 2014 Nicola Valley Pro Rodeo

RBS lawyer, Peter Spencer, Q.C., recently attended the Nicola Valley Pro Rodeo event, proudly sponsored by Richards Buell Sutton...

Nicole Mangan is published in the Canadian Journal of Insurance Law

Nicole Mangan, Partner at Richards Buell Sutton LLP, is a member of the Insurance Group. Her article, 'Again, An...

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Lawyers and staff of the firm accepted the ALS Challenge on Friday, September 5. In turn, RBS has nominated...

David Hay is quoted in The Province

David Hay, bike lawyer and Partner at RBS, is quoted in The Province. The article is in relation to...

RBS sponsor of The Golden Dumpling Cook Off and Derby Event

RBS sponsored the Golden Dumpling Cook Off and Derby event on Sunday, August 10, 2014.

20 local restaurants participated in this...

Reflections on the Paisley Snail

David Hay, Partner at RBS, wrote an enchanting reflection of his involvement in the filmmaking of docudrama, The Paisley...

David Hay and House Arrest Wins the Vancouver 2014 Battle of the Bar Bands

Bike lawyer David Hay of Richards Buell Sutton and band, House Arrest, competed in and won the Vancouver 2014...

David Hay to perform at the Battle of the Bar Bands event

David Hay, partner with Richards Buell Sutton, and his band House Arrest will compete in the upcoming Battle of...

Peter Lightbody is published in the Verdict

Peter Lightbody, lawyer at Richards Buell Sutton, is featured in the Summer 2014 issue of The Verdict.

A copy of the Verdict article,...

Jeffrey Lowe Q.C. attends 55th International PRAC Conference

Jeffrey Lowe Q.C., Managing Partner of Richards Buell Sutton and Chairman of the Pacific Rim Advisory Council, recently attended...

Jeffrey Lowe Q.C. greeted by Republic Of China President in Taiwan

The Pacific Rim Advisory Council recently hosted their 55th International Conference in Taipei City, Taiwan. While in Taipei City,...